The Royal Grandchild of King Rama IX
HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha

Nickname - Ong Pa
Born - December 7, 1978
high school - Heathfield School,England
- Chitralada School ,Thailand
Bechelor - Thammasart University(graduated with honors) ,Thailand
Master - Cornell University, United States
Docteral - Cornell University ,United States
Khun Ploypailin

Nickname - Khun Ploy
Born - February 12, 1981
high school - Purcell School ,England
Bechelor - London School of Economics ,England
- University of California, San Diago (graduated with high honors) ,United States
Master - Massachusetts Institute of Technology,United States
HRH Princess Siribhachudhabhorn

Nickname - Ong Ri Pa
Born - October 8, 1982
Junior high school - Holton-Arms School ,United States
- Herbert Hoover ,United States
high school - Chitralada School ,Thailand
Bechelor - Silpakorn University(graduated with honors) ,Thailan
Khun Poomi
Name - Poomi (poo-mi)
Nickname - Khun Poom
Born - August 16, 1983 (died December 26, 2004)
Junior high school - Earl Warren Junior ,United States
high school - Torrey Pines High School ,United States
Bechelor - Kasetsart University ,Thailand
HRH Princess Adityadhornkitikhun

Nickname - Ong Tid
Born - May 5, 1984
Junior high school - Holton-Arms School, United States
high school - Holton-Arms School ,United States
Bechelor - The Art Institute of Washington ,United States
Khun Sirikitiya

Nickname - Khun Mai
Born - March 18, 1985
Junior high school - Earl Warren Junior ,United States
high school - Torrey Pines High School, United States
Bechelor - University of California ,United States
- Newyork University ,United States
HRH Princess Siriwannawari Nariratana

Name - Siriwannawari Nariratana (si-ri-wan-wa-ree-na-ree-rat)
Nickname - Tarn Ying
Born - January 8, 1987
Born - January 8, 1987
Junior high school - Chitralada School ,Thailand
high school - Chitralada School ,Thailand
Bechelor - Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
HRH Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti
Name - Dipangkorn Rasmijoti (tee-pang-korn-rat-sa-mi-chot)
Nickname - Ong Tee
Born - April 29, 2005
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